
August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday My Boys :-)

My Adam turned 10 recently whilst Danny was a while back in May. It would have been unfair to just make a party for Adam and not little Danny, so here Ibu went all out to make a party her boys will hopefully remember.

Adam next to his best friend Danish and the brother Didi ( matching outfits, so cute!) My niece Hani and nephew Eiman just refused to budge.

I used Nigella's Buttermilk cake from The Domestic Goddess. Turned out really well. A blue vanilla buttercream frosting for Danny and Choc buttercream for Adam. The tops are ready made icing stickers that you just stick on top of the cake and its edible, what an invention, made my job so much easier! The boys were awed and so were my guests :) You can find them at good baking shops.

Danny with his buddies, Irfan and Amir, they all wanted Spongebob ! They're so cute at this age!

I love making deserts, I can skip the mains and go straight to desert! From top, hotdogs wrapped in puff pastry and sprinkled with sesame seeds ( kids n adults loved them and easy as pie), coconut macaroons, rocky road, peanut butter jam drops and choc macaroons. Made mushroom voul-il-vent, but they were gone as soon as they were out! Managed to pop one before I got them out :) Maybe will post the recipe here.

Aren't these cute? These were all that were left! Made some stars and gingerbread boys too. I used Donna Hays butter biscuit recipe from her Magazine kids party series (still on the shelves). They turned out really buttery but not too crumbly, perfect. Used stiff royal icing to outline the shapes, then thinned it down with lemon juice, gave some color and filled in the gaps.

I'm glad the day went well with friends and neigbours all dropping in, and the kids had fun with their friends. It was worth the hours of baking and cooking I think to see that I made their day. Shasha is already planning for hers in October, 'groannnnn'!

August 3, 2010

Beyond Gorgeous If I May Say So!

A good friend, Shahrizan, offered me a challenge, a striking, pretty blouse and pants set for her tomboyish 3 year old daughter and 2 cousins. They had to be pretty she said but also versatile enough for active 3 year olds! And, they had to be same but different to avoid cousin squabling! So there I was leafing thru designs then putting batch after batch of materials together to match, quite a headache really.

These are what I finally came out with, and I just love them. It was hard to stop from keeping them for my Shasha, luckily they didn't fit :)

and my absolute favorite!

No 1 pattern from CUCITO Spring 2010 same as here, no 2 & 3 from CUCITO Summer 2010 no 43. The pink is Daisy Dance by Michael Miller teamed with Argyle in Spring by Ann Kelley. The sky blue polka dot is teamed with a Heather Bailey's. Those ruffles are a full 84inches!

And here are the matching capri with of course, ruffles!

My friend loved them and most important, the little miss (also a Shasha) loved all of them and wanted to wear the pink to bed! Yup the mom has decreed the pink to be hers :) A satisfying job well done, pat, pat LOL!!!

And i didn't think the outfit would be complete without hair accesorries, so using a Clover flower yoyo maker, here are 3 pretty hairbands.


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